Saturn Tee

The change symbolized in this design is the shift away from carnivorous diets. Every year we kill over 100,000,000,000 animals just to eat. That's 100 billion. The impacts are massive. Methane emitted from agriculture is 80x as powerful a greenhouse gas as carbon dioxide, but luckily has a much shorter lifespan in the atmosphere.
This represents a huge potential for keeping our temperature down. You don't need steak, bacon, chicken nuggets, or ice cream. Your grandchildren won't have them.
Use code LOCAL for the FOOTPRINT DISCOUNT (-$7) if you can get it from me directly.
The shirts used here are Anvil's A420 AnvilOrganic Tee in "Natural". Here's some reading on Anvil (owned by Gildan) and their environmental practices:
I encourage you to click around and learn more about the industry.